30 products
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STIMUL multisensory espace


With this set you will have an motivating room ¡that will have everything!

With a small budget you will achieve your goals and, apart from being operational from the beginning, it is compatible with future extensions.


Solar 100LED AG Projector 60mm


Proyector de discos de imágenes muy compacto y ligero creado especialmente para entornos multisensoriales.

Utiliza poca energia, es totalmente silencioso y no requiere luces de repuesto. Cuenta con un adaptador de red externa que hace que funcione con bajo voltaje.



6" Blank Wheel FGM7000


¡Crea tus propios diseños y colócalos dentro de esta rueda de efectos transparente!

Disco virgen para proyectores SOLAR. Permite dibujar sobre él o adherir una trasparencia.


Adjustable mural projector support 475-655 mm


Adapted to a Solar projector, it provides directionality in a safe and simple way


USB power supply 5V 1A


  • USB charger
  • Input 220V AC
  • Output 5V 1A


Ladder Lights


Pannel "ladder lights", interacts with sound


Protac Ball Blanket® Classic Adult 140x200cm B50mm 7kg


Weight blanket stuffed with plastic balls that stimulate both tactile and proprioceptive sense. With the user’s movement, the balls also move and transmit to the brain a new feeling of pressure and touch.

The sensory stimulus is changing and the sensory impression is...


Protac Ball Blanket® Flexible Adult 140x200cm B50mm 7kg


Weight blanket stuffed with plastic balls that stimulate both tactile and proprioceptive sense. With the user’s movement, the balls also move and transmit to the brain a new feeling of pressure and touch.

The plastic balls are located in compartments that can be removed to put in the...


Protac Ball Blanket® Calm 140x200cm 7kg


Weight blanket that stimulates both tactile and proprioceptive sense. With the movement under the blanket, the balls also move and transmit to the brain a new feeling of pressure and touch.

Especially suitable for people with altered sense of touch who need a clear definition...


Protac SenSit® straight


Es un puf de estimulación sensorial. La altura y el ángulo del asiento están especialmente desarrollados para los usuarios que tienen dificultad para moverse sin ayuda. Está relleno de bolas en el asiento, espalda y brazos laterales que proporcionan una posición cómoda para sentarse y...

Protac MyFit®-38mm junior 58-65cm 2.0kg


Essential vest for autism, ADHD, stress and anxiety.

With plastic balls distributed in channels, it activates the tactile and proprioceptive sense. Each time you move, the balls will also move and transmit a new feeling of pressure and touch to the brain.



Protac MyFit®-38mm S 83-91cm 3.5kg


Essential vest for autism, ADHD, stress and anxiety.

With plastic balls distributed in channels, it activates the tactile and proprioceptive sense. Each time you move, the balls will also move and transmit a new feeling of pressure and touch to the brain.



Protac MyFit®-38mm M/L 92-102cm 4.0kg


Essential vest for autism, ADHD, stress and anxiety.

With plastic balls distributed in channels, it activates the tactile and proprioceptive sense. Each time you move, the balls will also move and transmit a new feeling of pressure and touch to the brain.



Protac KneedMe® 64x48cm 4kg


Apron filled with plastic balls for the legs that provides a good somatic experience stimulating the senses to people with physical and mental restlessness. Promotes calm, focus and concentration of the user while performing activities while sitting. It has a large pocket -very accessible to...

3D Laser Stars Projector


El proyector Laser Stars convierte un techo ordinario con un paisaje nocturno de estrellas que brillan, proporcionando un abimente de descanso para ayudar a relajarnos.

Tiene forma de estrella cosa que además, lo convierte en un objeto de decoración. Después de un día pesado, sus...


Protac Ballcushion B38mm


Pillow to reduce hyperactivity and improve positioning.

Protac GroundMe® 10cm


Stabilizes the feet and improves posture. The balls at the top stimulate the feet, providing stimulation to restless legs. It is perfect for people who do activities on the floor, to maintain a correct and comfortable position, while the stimulation it causes promotes attention and...

Protac GroundMe® 20cm


Stabilizes the feet and improves posture. The balls at the top stimulate the feet, providing stimulation to restless legs. It is perfect for people who do activities on the floor, to maintain a correct and comfortable position, while the stimulation it causes promotes attention and...